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Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 54 Quotes and Mirage Queen Aime Cirque's Adaptation! Dec 15, 2021 | RinaK
Transcript - 274 new quotes

Cardcaptor Sakura


Sakura finds her father looking at some calendars, one her mother used before and had notes on every special date marked. Sakura notices one titled "gradfather's birthday" and learns about her great-grandfather. Eager to commemorate his special day, Sakura hopes that the handmade gifts she prepared will warm her great-granfather's heart and for him to make peace with her father.

Featured characters
Masaki Amamiya | CV: Osamu Saka, 阪脩, さか おさむ | 23 lines
Fujitaka Kinomoto | CV: Hideyuki Tanaka, 田中秀幸, たなか ひでゆき | 54 lines
Sakura Kinomoto | CV: Sakura Tange, 丹下桜, たんげ さくら | 104 lines
Touya Kinomoto | CV: Tomokazu Seki, 関智一, せき ともかず | 12 lines
Sonomi Daidouji | CV: Miki Itou, 伊藤美紀, いとう みき | 8 lines

And with this, we reached the last episode we'll be covering of Cardcaptor Sakura, happily we indexed all the main characters and extra characters too!

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Adventure novel, Mirage Queen Aime Cirque get it's anime adaptation announced!


The anime will be released in OVA format, release date yet to be revealed but an official PV, cast and staff roll was announced.
The story will follow Queen, a phantom thief, and their partners: Joker and RD. In their most recent heist, the plan gets flunked as a circus troupe steals the Jewel of Tilia right before their arrival. Now Queen and their partners in crime are set to get the jewel back and fight for their treasure.
East Fish Studio will be responsible for the animation, under Saori Den's direction.
Cast will be composed of Yuuga Yamato as Queen, Kazuki Katou as Joker , and Yuuma Uchida as RD .

Check out the official PV at the OVA's official website

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